With the great Kishore Kumar’s birth anniversary just gone by, the Ganguly parivar, sons Kishore and Sumi and wife Leena Chandavarkar, have taken a decision to produce and direct their own bio-pic on the life and times of the legendary singer-composer-actor-filmmaker.
Amit Kumar to make Kishore Kumar bio-picMany filmmakers have tried to process bio-pics on Kishore Kumar. These include Shoojit Sircar and Anurag Basu. But nothing came of it. Says Amit Kumar, “It was always my intention that we do the biopic. After all who knows him (Kishore Kumar) better than his family?”
Prod the affable Amit more about the bio-pic and he says, “We’re about to start shooting the interviews with our family about my father.”
Amit thinks the shooting will take time. “We know that the script will take at least a year to develop. It’s a lot of hard work, and a long journey ahead.”
Also Read: Kishore Kumar’s son Amit Kumar upset with tribute paid to his father on Indian Idol 12
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