After the Sidhu Moosewala assassination earlier this year, Salman Khan was dragged into the controversy with the superstar reportedly receiving death threats. Accused was a certain gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, who has earlier threatened the actor and his security, post the blackbuck case. Now, yet again, his name has resurfaced with the actor and his father Salim Khan once again receiving threats from the gangster and his men. In order to protect himself, latest reports claim that the superstar visited the Mumbai Police headquarters for a weapons license.
Salman Khan visits Mumbai Police HQ for weapons license; actor wants to protect his family from Bishnoi and gangAs per recent reports, Salman Khan has applied for a gun license after his father Salim Khan received a threatening letter when the latter was jogging near their residence in Bandra, Mumbai. If these reports are to be believed, Salman Khan met the top cop Vivek Phansalkar as a part of the process for applying license.
Sources were quoted confirming in these reports adding that the visit was a mandatory one where physical verification before the authority is a required part of the license application procedure. These reports also suggest that Khan has reasoned in his statement that he requires the license for a gun as a means of protecting his family from Bishnoi and his threats.
Also Read: SCOOP: Salman Khan confused between No Entry 2 and Dabangg 4 – Which film will he start in January?
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