Not too long ago we had reported that RRR has locked in its cast which also includes Bollywood actors Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn. The grand film, to be directed by Rajamouli, is expected to feature a big ensemble cast like Ram Charan, Junior NTR and some other popular actors. Amongst them is Daisy Edgar Jones! However, it seems that the actress won’t be a part of the film and the makers have also confirmed the same.
RRR – Daisy Edgar Jones will not be a part of this Ram Charan, Junior NTR filmIn an earlier announcement made by the RRR makers, they had revealed that Alia Bhatt, Ajay Devgn and Daisy Edgar Jones have been added to the star cast. The period drama is set against the pre Independence era and was supposed to feature Jones opposite Junior NTR. But it seems all of those plans currently have changed as the actress had to quit the project. The makers shared the news on their official Twitter handle where they mentioned that Daisy had to quit the film due to some unavoidable circumstances.
Due to unavoidable circumstances, @DaisyEdgarJones is no longer a part of our film. We hope she has a brilliant future. #RRR
— RRR Movie (@RRRMovie) April 5, 2019
RRR is currently being shot in Gujarat after which a major schedule is expected to be shot in Maharashtra too. If reports are to be believed, RRR is supposed to have Alia Bhatt romancing Ram Charan and the actress is also supposed to play an integral role in bringing a twist in the plotline of the film. Based on the life of two freedom fighters, Alluri Sitaraman Raju and Komaram Bheem, the film is a fictional tale of what transpired when they disappeared for many years.
In RRR, Ajay Devgn too is expected to essay the character of the freedom fighter. Even though he wouldn’t be playing the protagonist in this period drama, he is expected to have a pivotal role in the film. The untitled venture is slated to release on July 30, 2020.
Also Read: IT’S OFFICIAL: Ajay Devgn and Alia Bhatt roped in for RRR starring Ram Charan and Junior NTR (release date, inside details revealed)
More Pages: RRR Box Office Collection , RRR Movie Review
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