Akshay Kumar recently announced his digital debut with Amazon Prime Video Originals. He will be starring in a multi-season show titled The End. The actor invited the media at the official announcement of the show and made a grand entry where he literally set himself on fire and not once but twice! The event was a massive success and as usual, the netizens did not hold themselves back from making hilarious memes on Akshay’s daring stunt. This project is under Abundantia Entertainment’s banner and it will also mark the second collaboration between Amazon Prime and Abundantia Entertainment.
Akshay Kumar’s digital series The End will run for 3 years at least – read details hereThere were reports of this project being a multi-season series, now, it has been confirmed that it is at least going to run for 3 years. The series stars Akshay Kumar so it obviously is going to be an action-packed drama. The makers have also given us the series Breathe which was a great hit and the performances were highly appreciated. Coming back to Akshay’s series, the actor at the event said, “I have always believed in bringing innovation to my work and throughout my career, have tried to tell unique stories, work with break-through talent and be part of disruptive and high-quality story-telling. Together, Abundantia and I have created some of my most memorable roles in films like Baby, Airlift and Toilet-Ek Prem Katha and their passion towards their films and projects is incredible. From the very concept of the show, I am working very closely with Vikram and his team as they create this compelling and highly intriguing story. I can’t wait to start rolling for this action-adventure series that will be Amazon Original for global audiences. The digital world excited me and I am delighted to make my streaming debut with this show. And if I were to make a small confession here, it was my son Aarav who suggested that I make my digital debut as that’s what the youth is hooked onto. On this medium, I want to create something extraordinary and connect with them”
There have also been reports of Akshay Kumar charging a whopping amount of Rs. 108 crores just for season 1 and will be doing a minimum of 3 seasons. He is also busy promoting his upcoming period drama, Kesari which also stars Parineeti Chopra and is an epic tale of the battle fought between 21 Sikh men and 10,000 Mughal soldiers.
Also Read: Parineeti Chopra returns Akshay Kumar the money she owed him
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