Earlier this week the film industry woke up to a shock with comedian Tanmay Bhat's video Sachin vs. Lata Civil War, where in the stand-up comic poked fun at the Bharat Ratna winners that didn't go down too well. While most influential people from the film industry have come out condoning the video and berating Bhat for his less than appreciative views, there have been a few supporters too.
Sonam Kapoor comes out in support of Tanmay BhatNow lending her voice in support of Tanmay Bhat is none other than the Bollywood fashionista Sonam Kapoor. In fact Sonam took to twitter last night supporting him saying, "Dear @thetanmay ,being your friend I know what you say and do is never to offend, but to make people laugh..." Further Sonam also questioned those who took offence to the video adding, "Don't you guys think there are issues that are more important than @thetanmay snapchat jokes??? I'm in shock with this over reaction! Being living legends I know @sachin_rt and @mangeshkarlata don't even know and care about what's going on!stop spewing hate on their behalf!"
Clarifying her stand further, Sonam Kapoor, tweeted an article written by Karan Bardwaj and used his words to clear the air saying, 'I in no way appreciate Bhat's humour. However, I stand by his right to create such content, just as I support criticism of it in public discourse!
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