Raj Kumar Gupta, who is known for his gritty and compelling portrayal of some of the most inspiring real-life stories in Hindi cinema like No One Killed Jessica and Raid on the big screen, will now bring the extraordinary story of the greatest Indian spy in the history to the silver screen. The ace director is working on a film based on Ravinder Kaushik’s life, who was an actor turned RAW agent also known as The Black Tiger. The rights to unfold his amazing story on the silver screen for the first time ever has been given by Ravinder Kaushik’s family to Raj Kumar Gupta.
Raj Kumar Gupta to bring the untold story of India’s greatest spy Ravinder Kaushik aka The Black Tiger on the big screenTalking about Kaushik, Raj, who is busy with post-production of his upcoming film India’s Most Wanted, says, “Shri Ravinder Kaushik was India’s greatest spy. Interestingly, he was an actor before becoming a spy. It’s an emotional and remarkable story. We are at the scripting stage for the film. I am humbled and thankful to his family, who trusted me and gave me the rights to turn this unbelievable story into a film.”
On behalf of his family - Ravinder Kaushik’s sister, Mrs. Shashi Vashisth, who has given the rights to Raj Kumar Gupta says,“ Bachpan se hi desh bhakti ka jazba uske dil mein tha. Desh bhakti par hi play likhta aur karta tha, bahut sunder bhi tha aur sab Vinod Khanna bulatey the. I know my brother’s story is very unique and many people have approached us to make a film on him but it never felt right kyun ki humare liye yeh bahut personal hai. When Raj Kumar Gupta approached us since we knew of his films like No One Killed Jessica, we felt confident.He is a sensible filmmaker and he is the right person to tell my brother's story for the first time.”
‘The Black Tiger’ was the name given to Ravinder Kaushik by the former PM Indira Gandhi for his bravery and valuable contribution towards the country.
ALSO READ: Raj Kumar Gupta opens up on his marriage with actress Myra Karn
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