The recently released film Raid that featured Ajay Devgn in the lead role has been doing well at the box office. While the film still continues to run in theatres we hear that the director of the film Raj Kumar Gupta is already contemplating on his next venture. In fact, reports state that continuing in the same line with gritty thrillers like Aamir, No One Killed Jessica and Raid, Raj Kumar Gupta plans on making a film on the RAW agent who operated in Pakistan, Ravinder Kaushik.
After Raid, Raj Kumar Gupta’s next to be based on Indian spy Ravinder KaushikApparently Gupta was hooked with the concept of telling the story of one of the greatest Indian spies. While the said film is still being scripted Raj Kumar Gupta is also interacting with Ravinder’s mother Amladevi and brother since the past six months. If that wasn’t all, we also hear that the filmmaker is keen on kicking off the project that is yet to be titled once he is done with his next venture Most Wanted which is again based on a real life story.
As for the story of Ravinder Kaushik, operated undercover in Pakistan and died at the age of 47 while in prison. Nicknamed the ‘Black Tiger’, Kaushik, who spoke Urdu fluently, was sent across the border disguised as Nabi Ahmed Shakir after being trained in Delhi for two years. Once there Kaushik gained access to the Pakistan Army as a civilian clerk and rose to the rank of a Major, also marrying a local girl during that time.
Also Read: Raid director Raj Kumar Gupta reveals his next project
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