Punjabi actor Deep Sidhu passed away on Tuesday, February 15, following a tragic car accident. The actor’s car reportedly collided with a truck at around 8:30 pm on the Manesar-Palwal expressway in Haryana’s Sonipat district near the Singhu border. He reportedly passed away on the way to the hospital.
Punjabi actor Deep Sidhu dies in tragic accident; Ammy Virk condoles his deathAccording to India Today, his girlfriend Reena Rai was in the car and survived due to the airbag. The police said, "Reena was on the left side of the car which was not heavily damaged. After the accident, the airbag on Reena's side opened immediately, saving her life. Reena was wearing a seatbelt and her airbag did not burst after opening. However, the airbag exploded after opening in the case of Deep Sidhu."
Punjab Chief Minister remembered Deep Sidhu in a tweet that read, "Deeply saddened to learn about the unfortunate demise of renowned actor and social activist, #DeepSidhu. My thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved family and fans."
Deeply saddened to learn about the unfortunate demise of renowned actor and social activist, #DeepSidhu. My thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved family and fans.
— Charanjit S Channi (@CHARANJITCHANNI) February 15, 2022
Following his passing, many celebrities including Sunny Deol, Mika Singh, Ammy Virk and many Punjabi stars condole his death.
Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru
Last weak phone aaya c veere da v apa film plan kariye... main kea veere jaldi milda tuhanu, main aje punjab to bahar aaan... mil eee ni hoya yar????... hikkk daaaaaah ke naaal khada c veeer mere ...
Waheguru charna ch niwaas bakhshan ???????? pic.twitter.com/4DWvt3foNd— Ammy Virk (@AmmyVirk) February 15, 2022
Deep Sidhu had turned activist and made headlines last year when he was arrested for being allegedly involved in the Red Fort violence on January 26 amid the farmers' protest rally.
ALSO READ: Punjabi actor Deep Sidhu, accused in Red Fort violence, arrested
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