Nitu Chandra, best remembered for films like Garam Masala, Traffic Signal, Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye, Rann, and Singham 3 (Tamil) among others, has been missing from the Bollywood circuit for a few years now. In fact, the actress’ last Hindi release was in 2017 with the film Kucch Luv Jaisaa. However, since then Nitu has been doing South films, without so much as an appearance in Bollywood. Now, with her Hollywood venture Never Back Down: Revolt releasing on Amazon Prime, the actress was in conversation with Bollywood Hungama where she shared some of her emotional stories of being ignored and side-lined. If that wasn’t enough, Nitu even spoke about how this began to affect her, claiming that it made her hide from her own mother in her own house!
Nitu Chandra reveals her film released on Amazon Prime US and was rated 5 stars, “but back home I have no work in my own country”Reliving the experience, Nitu Chandra, walked us down memory lane, setting the premise saying, “There are days when I am so down, that I do not get out of my room. I wait for my mother to finish what she is doing, her puja etc. and once she goes back to her room, only then do I come out. The reason I do this, is to avoid the questions like, where are you going, who are you meeting, go meet this person and that person, see there will be something good that happens for you. You are a star! And I question myself, what am I supposed to answer? I had collected my savings, went to Los Angeles, and struggled for two or three years alone. People have told me nothing will come of it; you will not be able to do it. Let it go. Shaadi karlo tum... Have a backup. Is that what I am? Is any girl worth that? To use shaadi as a backup? You marry when you are compatible, when you love the person, and you can live with that person.”
Speaking about how she fought her way out of this, Nitu narrates her struggles in Los Angeles. “I fought so hard in LA, struggled so much, and got such a good role in such a big film all on my own steam. No one can claim that they gave me this. In fact, even my visa was rejected... In London, I have shot barefoot in 1 degree temperature.” The actress said that sadly, despite her achievements, the industry has failed her, “Now the film has released on Amazon Prime Video, in the US it has received a five-star rating, but back home I have no work in my own country.”
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