Bollywood director Karan Johar celebrated his 25 years in the Hindi Film Industry with the release of Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani and continued his success streak at the box office. Just after the release of this Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt film, Karan Johar confirmed that his next film would be an action film and he is currently scripting it. And now, Bollywood Hungama is the FIRST to report casting news on Karan Johar's next film.
MEGA EXCLUSIVE: Sidharth Malhotra in advanced talks for Karan Johar’s action blockbuster; to go on floors in 2025Our highly placed sources have confirmed that Sidharth Malhotra is in advanced talks to play the lead in Karan Johar's action film. "Sidharth Malhotra and Karan Johar share a very special bond and the latter feels that the former is meant to do action films. When he was developing the script, the name of Sid naturally crossed his mind. He narrated the film to Sid, and the actor has shown interest in mentors' action film," a trade source told Bollywood Hungama.
The source further informed us that the things are in the advanced stages of discussion at the moment, as KJo is developing a quintessential hero vs villain film, and will treat it as a two-hero face-off film. "Given the track record of Karan, and the respect Sid has for his mentor, things will fly through in the right direction and the dotted lines will be signed once Karan Johar locks the entire script. Right now, they have discussed the idea and it's a verbal yes," the source told us further.
When this casting happens, don't forget that you read this news first on Bollywood Hungama.
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