Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao is all set to venture into uncharted territory with his upcoming film, directed by Pulkit, known for his critically acclaimed film Bhakshak. This project, produced by Jay Shewakramani, who has previously delivered Jawaani Jaaneman, Freddy, Malang, and Race 2, is generating buzz as it marks Rajkummar Rao’s foray into the action genre. This collaboration will also see Rao sharing the screen with Manushi Chhillar, for the first time.
Rajkummar Rao to play a gangster in Bhakshak director Pulkit’s next; script workshops & readings begin in September 2024: ReportAs per a report in Pinkvilla, the film is set to go on floors in September 2024, with a theatrical release planned for mid-2025. This new venture promises to be a commercial entertainer, showcasing Rajkummar in a role that fans haven’t seen before—a larger-than-life gangster rooted in the heartland of India.
According to sources close to the production, Rajkummar Rao will be portraying a gangster in this film. “It’s an out-and-out commercial entertainer featuring Rajkummar Rao as a gangster. The makers plan to shoot the film extensively in Uttar Pradesh followed by some chunk in Mumbai, as the entire story and character is rooted in UP. Rajkummar is excited to explore this character and will be doing some readings and workshops with the team in the first week of September,” revealed a source close to the development.
Rajkummar’s preparation for this role will involve an intense period of readings and workshops to fully immerse himself in the character. The film’s narrative, set against the backdrop of Uttar Pradesh, promises to explore the gritty and intense world of a gangster, a role that Rajkummar has never explored before.
The film’s shoot is scheduled to kick off in September 2024, with a tight two-month shooting schedule. The makers are planning a theatrical release in mid-2025. “The storytelling has a very commercial palette and will feature Rajkummar in a rather larger-than-life avatar,” the source added.
Meanwhile, Rajkummar Rao has a busy schedule ahead. He is currently gearing up for the release of Stree 2, directed by Amar Kaushik, which is slated to hit the screens on Independence Day. Following that, he will be seen in the Raaj Shaandilyaa-directed Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video, which is set for a Dussehra release.
ALSO READ: Rajkummar Rao to join hands with Manushi Chhillar for the first time: Report
More Pages: Bhakshak Box Office Collection , Bhakshak Movie Review
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