Some time back singer Lata Mangeshkar had been embroiled in a land case after she purchased a 13 acre plot from the well known Marathi film director- producer Bhalji Pendharkar. In lieu of this acquisition the ABMCM (Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Chitrapat Mahamandal), an association of the Marathi film industry, had filed a PIL (Public Interest Litigation) competing that the Maharashtra government's decision allowing the change of ownership on the said plot, was meant only to favour Mangeshkar.
However, the Bombay High Court has dismissed the PIL about allowing change of user on a land plot in Kolhapur that belongs to Lata Mangeshkar. The dismissal comes after the division bench that comprised of Justices S.J. Vajifdar and Gautam Patel ruled that petitioner ABMCM didn't make any case as to why the state's decision should be set aside in the said matter.
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