The wedding festivities of Bollywood stars Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal have commenced. The celebrations are taking place at Six Senses Fort Barwara at Chauth Ka Barwara in Sawai Madhopur district of Rajasthan. The couple had their sangeet ceremony on Tuesday evening. They will be having their Mehendi and Haldi ceremony later today and will tie the knot tomorrow.
Katrina Kaif-Vicky Kaushal Wedding: Couple to not have a honeymoon; to resume work after marriageAccording to the latest reports, Katrina and Vicky will dive back into work soon after their wedding. They will not be heading for their honeymoon post their elaborate wedding in Rajasthan. The duo had taken a brief break from work to prepare for their marriage ceremony and will resume after they tie the knot.
While Katrina will resume the shoot of her film with Vijay Sethupathi directed by Sriram Raghavan, Vicky will be back to shoot for Dinesh Vijan's film.
The grand wedding is being attended by a host of celebrities including Kabir Khan, Mini Mathur, Neha Dhupia, Angad Bedi, Sharvari Wagh, Gurdas Maan, Simran Kaur, and others.
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