Filmmaker Karan Johar has added one more swanky car to his automobile collection. The filmmaker recently bought home a silver Audi A8 L worth Rs. 1.58 crore. The A8 L is the automaker's flagship luxury saloon and packs some impressive levels of power and performance. His car collection includes the likes of Mercedes Maybach S500, Jagaur XJL, and BMW 570D.
Karan Johar adds a silver Audi A8 L worth Rs. 1.58 crore to his automobile collectionA few days back, the official Instagram page of Audi India posted a picture of Karan posing with his brand new car. Audi India head Balbir Singh Dhillon is also seen in the picture.
"Evolution meets performance. Welcome, @karanjohar, to the Audi experience. #AudiA8L," the caption read.
Power on the new Audi A8 L comes from the 3.0-litre, six-cylinder, petrol engine coupled with an electric motor. The engine belts out 336 bhp and 500 Nm of peak torque and can pull the car to triple-digit speeds in 5.7 seconds.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Karan Johar will be back to the director’s chair with Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt starrer Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani. The film is expected to go on floors later this year.
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