Zee TV’s ongoing fiction show Maitree, which follows the journey of two soul sisters - Maitree (Shrenu Parikh) and Nandini (Bhaweeka Chaudhary), is all set to bid adieu to its ardent fans. The show revolved around the concept of two best friends sharing an inseparable bond since childhood, as they thread together in this journey called life with various ups and downs in their relationship. After being launched earlier this year in February, the show is now expected to go off air on September 17.
Maitree bids adieu; Shrenu Parikh and Bhaweeka Chaudhary express gratitude to fansDuring the period, the show welcomed many plot twists and turns with many actors like Namish Taneja, Zaan Khan, Kunal Karan Kapoor, Aadesh Chaudhary, Samarth Jurel, Vishal Kotian, Manish Khanna and Ishita Ganguly being introduced, who lent ample support to the lead cast in this journey. The show ends with Maitree finally returning the Swarna Mani to Jhumki (Ishita Ganguly), who after taking it meets with an accident and loses her life. Whereas, Maitree continues to live with her family after overcoming her troubles.
Delighted with the response she received for her character, Shrenu Parikh who played the role of Maitree said, “According to me, it has been an overwhelming journey and we have faced every challenge that came our way, with a smile on our face. This wouldn’t have been possible, if the channel, producers, and the audience didn’t have faith in us. I have learnt a lot in this show, and I am nothing but grateful in these times where shows don’t last more than a couple of months. We have hit 200+ episodes. It can be said it wasn’t an easy journey, but I’m going to bid goodbye to this show with a lot of content as I have given more than my 100% to Maitree. We as a team have given our best, and that’s what makes me happy. Maitree taught us all to never give up.”
Voicing out similar thoughts was Bhaweeka Chaudhary aka Nandini, as she continued, "Maitree's journey has been an incredible and unforgettable experience for me. The bond I share with Shrenu, Namish, Zaan, Harsh, and the entire cast is something I'll treasure forever. Nandini's character was a roller coaster ride, and even the challenging moments, like playing a coma patient, taught me a lot as an actor. I'm grateful to our producers for this opportunity, though it's sad to see the show go off-air – everything has its course. I'll miss the fun we had during breaks, but we've all become great friends and will stay connected. Thanks to our amazing audience for being our pillars of support and strength. Love you all."
Maitree will be going off air this week with the last episode being aired on September 17, Friday at 6:30 pm.
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