Bollywood actors Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal tied the knot on Thursday, December 9. The entertainers took to their official social media handles and made the happy announcement, along with pictures from the wedding ceremony. Both wife Katrina and husband Vicky shared similar pictures with similar captions that read, “Only love and gratitude in our hearts for everything that brought us to this moment. Seeking all your love and blessings as we begin this new journey together.”
Katrina Kaif-Vicky Kaushal Wedding: The blue sapphire diamond ring is worth whopping Rs 7.4 LakhWhile the couple's wedding pictures looked dreamy, cheerful, and aesthetic, Katrina Kaif’s fans couldn't miss noticing her stunning diamond and blue sapphire engagement ring. As much as netizens were waiting for the wedding pictures to be on the internet, they were equally excited to see the engagement rings. As per reports, Katrina was sporting a Tiffany Soleste engagement ring in Platinum which reportedly costs a whopping Rs 7.4 lakh.
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While Vicky and Katrina’s wedding was the most talked-about this year, the couple chose to keep everything private until the ceremony. Their wedding was a private affair at Rajasthan’s Six Senses Fort Barwara, Sawai Madhopur district, with family and close friends in attendance. The couple took the ‘7 pheras’ on Thursday afternoon. They plan to host a reception in Mumbai for their industry friends.
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