Remember, you read this on IndiaFM first! Not too long ago, Ramesh Sippy's son Rohan had finalised Salman Khan to enact a significant role opposite Aishwarya Rai in his directorial debut KUCH NA KAHO, co-starring Abhishek Bachchan in the lead. The latest development is, Arbaaz has stepped in Salman's shoes in the film. Arbaaz confirmed the development when this writer called on him. Yes, I'm excited about this film. But I wish to clarify that it's not a special appearance but a full-fledged role, Arbaaz states, adding, There're three principal characters in the film Abhishek, Aishwarya and I. In fact, I've allotted 25 shooting days to the film. Arbaaz further states that he's unaware about the reasons that prompted the makers to sign him in Salman's place. All I know is that when they approached me with the offer, I didn't mind accepting it since the role has substance. Arbaaz begins shooting for the film from September 10.
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