Not many people are aware that Sikander, son of Anupam and Kirron Kher, was to be launched by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, although no formal announcement was ever made. However, Bhansali decided to launch another star-kid, Ranbir Kapoor, in SAAWARIYA. "I don't think I was considered for SAAWARIYA," Sikandar informs me, "Sure, we did meet for a project. In fact, I assisted him during DEVDAS and had learnt so much from him. But there's no bitterness absolutely."
It seems Sikandar went into a depression after Bhansali opted for another newcomer. "Not at all. I require company all the while, I cannot sulk in a corner or go into a shell," he states. Sikandar adds in the same breath, "I would love to work with him if the opportunity arises. He's a genius. No bitterness, no grudges absolutely."
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