Mahima Chaudhary is the latest addition to the cast of B.R. Chopra's BAGHBAAN. Just last week, we'd informed you that Salman Khan had been signed to play the lead man in the film. And now, this week, Mahima has been signed opposite Salman for the film. Reportedly, Mahima was more than eager to do the project when the Chopras approached her for the film. "She was co-operation personified," director Ravi Chopra reveals, "She said it was an honour to work for B.R. Films and gave her 'yes' to the project instantly." Shedding light on her role, Chopra says, "Salman and Mahima's role in the film are next to Amitabh's role in the film, in terms of significance. Although, I must clarify, it's a special appearance." It's for the first time that Salman and Mahima have been teamed for a project.
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