For the past couple of months, rumour mills have been buzzing with speculations about Kareena Kapoor Khan's pregnancy. In fact, news started doing the rounds, after the actress did not sign much films post the success of her last release Ki & Ka.
Kareena Kapoor Khan pregnant?From what we hear, Kareena's recent trip to London with hubby has fuelled the gossips further and it is being said that the actress even visited a gynaecologist recently. Father of the actress, Randhir Kapoor too seemed to surprise to hear these rumours but maintained that he would be a happy man if it is true. On the film front too, as mentioned before, Kareena Kapoor Khan hasn't signed much of films. Speculations have it that the actress will be a part of the chick-flick Veerey Di Shaadi but there are no details about the film going on floor.
On the other hand, Saif Ali Khan already has two kids with former wife Amrita Singh - Sara and Ibrahim Khan. While both kids share a great rapport with Kareena, if the rumours are true, this will be Saif and Kareena's first child.
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