Actor Irrfan Khan and comedian Kapil Sharma were recently caught in a web of legal controversy for illegal construction of residential apartments. But now, the two can relax for a while as the Bombay High Court has granted relief to Irrfan and extended the same for Kapil.
Kapil Sharma, Irrfan Khan granted relief in illegal construction caseReportedly, the court has asked both the actors to retain their apartments in the exact same way without making any structural changes. There were reports alleging that there was construction happening within the premises of Kapil’s residence and complaint of the same was registered by a BMC lawyer against him but later the comedian’s lawyer claimed that it was only for furniture and no structural change has been made.
It is also being said that the court has postponed its hearing two weeks later as BMC has sought time to reply to the recently filed petition. On the other hand, it has been learnt that Kapil has issued a notice under section 53 of MRTP Act when BMC had issued a notice under Section 351 which is already pending before the civil court.
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