Making a film is never an easy task. Who can say this better than Shekhar Kapur, the acclaimed director of some mega big films, who has finally announced his next titled Paani. The film in question has been in the news for quite some time now, five years to be precise. Bearing witness to this is Shekhar's blog post on August 6, 2005, stating, "Today another dream was rekindled. Paani! A film that has lived in my consciousness for almost 5 years, when I watched 50 women and children standing in the hot sun in Mumbai, with each carrying a bucket, waiting for a tap to start dripping with water.
Paani means Water in Hindi.
I had just come down from a friends place in Pali Hill, one of the more expensive residential areas in Mumbai. My friend had me waiting for half an hour while he showered. He lived on the 30th floor, and the slum where there was no water was just below his apartment building. This inequity in the most basic resource necessary for human survival set me thinking and a story developed.
More later..."
However, after this long hiatus, Shekhar will finally be making the film with Hrithik Roshan in the lead. Confirming this is Hrithik's wife Sussane Roshan's tweet, "H has signed Paani.."
While on the other hand speaking about the rumours of having Kristen Stewart in the film Shekhar tweets, "Kristen Stewart fr Paani: ppl jumpng to conclusions, she's terrific n lv her, bt we have had just 1 conv so far."
On the other hand, Shekhar will also be directing a biopic of famed English explorer George Mallory to be produced by Hollywood star Julia Roberts and director Kevin Townsend. Kapur confirmed the same at the Cannes Film Festival recently.
With the announcement of his next two films, Kapur is all set to jump back in action again and that's surely good news for the film industry.
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