On Friday, Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ananya Panday wrapped the shoot of their upcoming film directed by Shakun Batra. The yet-untitled film also stars Deepika Padukone.
‘Ab toh title rakhlo’: Siddhant Chaturvedi, Ananya Panday, Deepika Padukone wrap the shoot of Shakun Batra’s untitled nextOn Friday, Ananya took to her social media handle to share the clapboard from the film which read, "It’s a wrap". The film is tentatively titled Production No. 70. Sharing the picture of the clapboard, Ananya wrote, "Grateful for each and every one of you ilysm. My favourite experience ever''.
As for Siddhant Chaturvedi, he shared a screenshot of his phone wallpaper which is set as his photo holding the clapboard of the film reading, ‘It’s a wrap’. Also on the screenshot is a notification message from Dharma's Production 70 which reads, "Ab toh title rakhlo".
Siddhant also shared a selfie with Shakun Batra holding the clapboard.
Meanwhile, Deepika Padukone shared an Instagram story of Siddhant announcing the wrap of the film, It is not clear if Deepika has also wrapped her portions for the film. Deepika plays a fitness instructor in the film with Ananya as her sister. Siddhant plays Deepika's love interest while Dhairya Karwa plays Ananya's love interest.
ALSO READ: Ananya Panday gets the chic look right with nude coloured co-ord set and baby pink heels
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