Happy Bhag Jayegi managed to show some growth over the weekend by bringing in Rs. 10.71 crore. The film had a slow start of Rs. 2.32 crore on Friday but escalated to a decent extent on Saturday and Sunday. These numbers are on the same lines as what Dolly Ki Doli, a film belonging to same genre, had gathered early last year. The Sonam Kapoor starrer had a weekend of Rs. 10.76 crore, though it had Akshay Kumar's Baby for competition. In case of the Diana Penty starrer as well there is Akshay Kumar for competition, though Rustom is in its second week.
Need of the hour for this Eros and Aanand L. Rai film is to stay ultra-stable for the rest of the week. The film needs to have a lifetime of at least Rs. 20 crore so that it has some respectable numbers to show. A growth over the weekend has given this Mudassar Aziz directed film a chance at the least. Now it has to make it count at theaters.
Meanwhile Mohenjo Daro is just about chugging along. With Rs. 3.88 crore more over the second weekend, the film now stands at Rs. 55.06 crore. This also means that eventually, the Hrithik Roshan and Ashutosh Gowariker would at the least go past their last outing together, Jodhaa Akbar [Rs. 62 crore]. However, that film had released way back in 2008 and counting for inflation and ticket prices, the numbers collected by it carry much more value in the current times.