Kangana Ranaut has voiced strong criticism against the makers of the recently released web series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack. The show, starring Vijay Varma and directed by Anubhav Sinha, has sparked controversy for its portrayal of the 1999 hijacking incident, particularly for giving the hijackers Hindu names such as 'Bhola' and 'Shankar'.
Kangana Ranaut CRITICISES makers of IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack for “Distorting” facts: “Censorship is only for some of us”What is IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack Controversy?
IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack is based on the real-life events of December 1999, when an Indian Airlines flight was hijacked by terrorists who demanded the release of militants in exchange for the safety of the passengers. The hijackers were later identified as members of a Pakistan-based terrorist organisation, with names including Ibrahim Athar, Shahid Akhtar Sayed, Sunny Ahmed Qazi, Zahoor Mistry, and Shakir. However, in the web series, the terrorists are depicted with names like 'Bhola' and 'Shankar,' which has been met with significant backlash online. Viewers and critics alike have accused the creators of altering the facts to mislead the audience.
Kangana Ranaut REACTS to IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack Controversy
Kangana Ranaut, known for her outspoken views, took to her X account (formerly Twitter) to condemn the series for what she perceives as a deliberate distortion of historical events. She accused the makers of IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack of using politically motivated agendas to twist real-life occurrences.
Kangana wrote, "Law of the land is that one can show unimaginable amount of violence and nudity on OTT platforms without any consequence or censorship, one can even distort real life events to suit their politically motivated sinister motives. There is all the freedom for communists or leftists across the world for such anti-national expressions, but as a nationalist, no OTT platform allows us to make films that revolve around the integrity and unity of Bharat.”
Law of the land is that one can show unimaginable amount of violence and nudity on OTT platforms without any consequence or censorship, one can even distort real life events to suit their politically motivated sinister motives, there is all the freedom for communists or leftists… https://t.co/BRRrG6NGXh
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 2, 2024
Besides this, ANI recently reported that the I & B Ministry summoned Netflix India’s Head over the portrayal of hijackers.
Also Read: Netflix Head summoned by I & B Ministry over IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack controversy: Report
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