After gathering Rs. 7.1 crore on Thursday (partial holiday of Janamashtmi), A Flying Jatt had fair collections on Friday. The film brought in Rs. 6 crore more and that was expected, considering it's a working day. The shows were increased when compared to Thursday but then it is also coming a day after a holiday, so it all balances out eventually.
The film has brought in Rs. 13.10 crore so far and with Saturday and Sunday yet to follow, the overall extended weekend total could come out well. For producers Balaji, it is a wait and watch moment to see the kind of growth that the film manages in days to come.
The Tiger Shroff starrer is managing to find connect with children and as long as that happens, the Remo D'Souza directed affair can be expected to keep the momentum on. As a matter of fact, A Flying Jatt is the first Bollywood film in 2016 to be catering to children. It is now expected that around Rs. 15 crore more would come in before the close of weekend, and post that it would boil down to how the weekdays perform.