Ranveer Singh starrer 83 released on December 24, 2021 after much delay due to the pandemic. Even before the release, the film was raking in thunderous response from critics for the nostalgia-driven depiction of 1983 World Cup. Helmed by Kabir Khan, the film sees Ranveer Singh as Kapil Dev lead the Kapil’s Devils to the first victory at World Cup. With positive reviews and good audience feedback, the business of the film witnessed good collections on opening day.
In the overseas markets as well, 83 has been doing brisk business. Released across 1512 screens in 80 countries, 83 opened at collecting 1.57 mil. USD [Rs. 11.83 cr.] on Day 1. On Day 2, it raked in 1.01 mil. USD [Rs. 7.6 cr.]. The total collections stand at 4.17 mil. USD [Rs. 31.14 cr.] at the overseas box office at the close of Day 4.
The day wise business of 83 in overseas is as follows:
Day 1 – 1.57 mil. USD [Rs. 1.83 cr.]
Day 2 – 1.01 mil. USD [Rs. 7.6 cr.]
Day 3 – 0.90 mil. USD [Rs. 6.72 cr.]
Day 4 – 0.68 mil. USD [Rs. 5.07 cr.]