83 has collected approx. 7.15 mil. USD [Rs. 53.17 cr.] at the close of the second weekend in overseas.
Weekend: 31 Dec - 02 Jan, 2022
United States of America
Rank | Movie | Weekend | Weekend Gross ($) | Screens | Total Gross ($) | Total Gross (INR) |
13 | 83 | 2 | 4,93,741 | 419 | 27,07,304 | 20.13 crores |
18 | Shyam Singha Roy (Telugu) | 2 | 78,244 | 178 | 7,76,078 | 5.78 crores |
19 | Pushpa: The Rise – Part 1 | 3 | 75,166 | 90 | 23,72,854 | 17.65 crores |
30 | Arjuna Phalguna (Telugu) | 1 | 18,331 | 92 | 36,548 | 27.18 lacs |
45 | Shava Ni Girdhari Lal (Punjabi) | 3 | 4,038 | 3 | 73,619 | 54.74 lacs |
52 | Ajagajantharam (Malayalam) | 1 | 3,214 | 23 | 5,079 | 3.78 lacs |
94 | Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui | 4 | 831 | 4 | 2,91,719 | 2.17 crores |
Note: Reported screens only.
Rank | Movie | Weekend | Weekend Gross (US$) | Screens | Total Gross (US$) | Total Gross (INR) |
5 | 83 | 2 | 1,51,953 | 33 | 7,95,572 | 5.92 crores |
13 | Shava Ni Girdhari Lal (Punjabi) | 3 | 36,333 | 16 | 3,36,791 | 2.51 crores |
18 | Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui | 4 | 11,365 | 7 | 2,73,928 | 2.04 crores |
19 | Teeja Punjab (Punjabi) | 5 | 7,710 | 6 | 4,27,485 | 3.18 crores |
38 | Ajagajantharam (Malayalam) | 1 | 945 | 1 | 945 | 70,258/- |
54 | Akhanda (Telugu) | 5 | 255 | 2 | 66,829 | 49.69 lacs |
United Arab Emirates and G.C.C.
Rank | Movie | Weekend | Weekend Gross (AED) | Screens | Total Gross (AED) | Total Gross (INR) |
N.A | 83 | 2 | N.A | N.A | 5,290,000 | 10.71 crores |
United Kingdom and Ireland
Rank | Movie | Weekend | Weekend Gross (£) | Screens | Total Gross (£) | Total Gross (INR) |
10 | 83 | 2 | 80,127 | 84 | 4,45,160 | 4.48 crores |
20 | Tadap | 5 | 5,583 | 14 | 1,47,143 | 1.48 crores |
25 | Shyam Singha Roy (Telugu) | 2 | 2,852 | 10 | 38,011 | 38.18 lacs |
26 | Ajagajantharam (Malayalam) | 2 | 2,817 | 12 | 2,817 | 2.83 lacs |
28 | Shava Ni Girdhari Lal (Punjabi) | 3 | 2,588 | 3 | 42,402 | 42.59 lacs |
32 | Pushpa: The Rise – Part 1 | 3 | 2,017 | 13 | 1,59,736 | 1.61 crores |
33 | Kunjeldho (Malayalam) | 1 | 1,977 | 45 | 1,977 | 1.99 lacs |
Rank | Movie | Weekend | Weekend Gross (A$) | Screens | Total Gross (A$) | Total Gross (INR) |
10 | 83 | 2 | 2,29,407 | 83 | 12,08,667 | 6.5 crores |
19 | Pushpa: The Rise – Part 1 | 3 | 40,285 | 6 | 5,00,816 | 2.7 crores |
23 | Shyam Singha Roy (Telugu) | 2 | 18,130 | 11 | 1,38,046 | 74.22 lacs |
28 | Shava Ni Girdhari Lal (Punjabi) | 3 | 4,636 | 2 | 79,265 | 42.62 lacs |
35 | Arjuna Phalguna (Telugu) | 1 | 2,425 | 3 | 2,425 | 1.31 lacs |
60 | Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui | 4 | 501 | 2 | 1,68,590 | 90.64 lacs |
New Zealand
Rank | Movie | Weekend | Weekend Gross (NZ$) | Screens | Total Gross (NZ$) | Total Gross (INR) |
10 | 83 | 2 | 57,648 | 24 | 2,29,103 | 1.17 crores |
18 | Pushpa: The Rise – Part 1 | 3 | 4,505 | 7 | 45,423 | 23.08 lacs |
26 | Shyam Singha Roy (Telugu) | 2 | 858 | 5 | 14,254 | 7.25 lacs |
Rank | Movie | Weekend | Weekend Gross (MYR) | Screens | Total Gross (MYR) | Total Gross (INR) |
21 | 83 | 2 | 2,169 | 1 | 11,781 | 2.11 lacs |
26 | Rocky (Tamil) | 2 | 182 | 1 | 4,142 | 73,852/- |
Note: Reported screens only.
Rank | Movie | Weekend | Weekend Gross (€) | Screens | Total Gross (€) | Total Gross (INR) |
32 | 83 | 2 | 10,040 | 16 | 52,192 | 44.05 lacs |