Bollywood actress Uorfi Javed recently took to social media to share her heartfelt journey with fillers, shedding light on the challenges and regrets she faced after opting for undereye fillers. The actress posted a series of photos on Instagram on Monday, giving her followers a glimpse of her face after undergoing filler treatments.
Uorfi Javed opens up about her fillers journey; says, “I’ve been getting lip fillers from the age of 18”In the candid series of pictures, one of Uorfi's eyes appeared red, possibly indicating some complications from the procedure. Despite the apparent difficulties, she smiled in the next photo while looking at the camera. The actress also showcased her lip fillers in a few images, all of which were self-clicked. Alongside the pictures, Uorfi penned a candid note, revealing her experiences with fillers over the years. She wrote, “Sharing with you all my lip filler journey.”
Uorfi said, “I’ve been getting lip fillers from the age of 18, I didn’t have that much money back then but I always felt my lips were too thin and I wanted bigger fuller lips. I went to dermat deni we’re ready to do it for less and these were the results at times! I had to get them dissolved and mind it it’s the most painful thing ever!! I’m not telling people to not get them but in fact what I’m trying to say is just be careful while getting fillers or Botox . I still very much have lip fillers just that I know what suits my face and I know now less is more .”
She further added, “Encouraging everyone to throughly research before going to any doctor. I actually recommend fillers to everyone, if you have some insecurities about your face or body instead of hating yourself or your face it’s just better to opt for fillers or surgeries but but but from a very good doctor only.”
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In a previous warning to her followers, Uorfi had highlighted the potential risks associated with undereye fillers. She candidly revealed that her under eyes had developed bumps after the treatment, leading her to dissolve the fillers, which proved to be an intensely painful process. The actress also shared her struggles with dark circles, which had subjected her to online trolling. In an attempt to address this concern, she decided to get undereye fillers, but unfortunately, the outcome was not what she had hoped for. Uorfi expressed regret, mentioning that her face appeared uneven, and that makeup was no longer sufficient to hide the issue.
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