It’s a 50 for Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani after being in theatres for 4 days. The film had scored a weekend of Rs. 45.90 crores and while it was a given that it will score a half century on Monday, the real deal was how much ahead of that it would go in 4 days. Well, thankfully the film has managed to collect a couple of crores more as well, what with the overall numbers standing at Rs. 52.92 crores.
This has been made possible by a number of Rs. 7.02 crores which has come on Monday. Anything over Rs. 6 crores would have been nice for the film and here it has gone ahead of that, which is good news indeed for all associated with it. Karan Johar has made this film rather lavishly, which means there is good budget involved here. However, with a major chunk of costs already taken care of via sale of OTT, satellite and music, the film wouldn’t face an issue when it comes to breaking even. Yes, had there been a major drop on Monday, then there would have been an issue but now as long as the trending remains on the same lines, the film would emerge as a safe proposition.
The target that the film will eventually be chasing is lifetime of Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar, which belonged to the similar genre and had netted Rs. 149.05 crores in its lifetime. It would be a closely fought battle and one waits to see how it all eventually turns out to be.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources