The Karan Johar directorial Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, which released a while back, has been gaining steam with each passing day. After opening on a strong note, the business of the Ranveer Singh – Alia Bhatt starrer saw exponential growth over its opening weekend and the first week. Now, on its second weekend running the film has maintained momentum managing to cross the Rs. 100 crores mark.
In this box office report, we look at the directors, who have the most number of Rs. 100 crores grossers. With Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani collected Rs. 105.08 crores, Karan Johar now makes his entry into the Top 10 list with two releases that have made it past the Rs. 100 crores mark. With this, Karan now joins others like Rohit Shetty who has 9 releases, Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Kabir Khan with 4 releases each, SS Rajamouli, Ali Abbas Zafar, Farhad Samji, Rajkumar Hirani, and Siddharth Anand with 3 releases each as directors with the maximum number of Rs. 100 crores grossers.
Going forward, with Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani still running in theatres, trade predictions state that the business of the film is sure to see further growth. In fact, with no competition from new Bollywood releases, expectations are that the business of the Karan Johar directorial will eventually cross the Rs. 150 crores mark by the end of its second week.