It’s time for some Diwali bonanza, now that Golmaal Again released on Friday. The film sees the coming together of Ajay Devgn and Rohit Shetty who have made nine films together already. Golmaal Again marks their tenth film which is a major milestone and is a testimony of how the actor-director ‘jodi’ has been delivering consistently for a decade now.
The movie is seeing an extensive release in 732 screens across 50 countries. It is the widest ever Ajay Devgn release in the overseas markets.
In this box office report we take a look at the overseas collections of Golmaal Again on Day 10 (Sunday).
Australia box office
22,982 USD [Rs. 14.90 lacs] from 20 screens
New Zealand box office
22,181 USD [Rs. 14.38 lacs] from 16 screens
U.K box office
33,880 USD [Rs. 21.96 lacs] from 33 screens
U.S.A box office
111,401 USD [Rs. 72.23 lacs] from 204 screens
Canada box office
38,923 USD [Rs. 25.23 lacs] from 23 screens