Bollywood's leading lady Deepika Padukone is currently in London as she unveiled her prestigious Statue of Purpose at Madame Tussauds. The actress, who has been an active voice in creating awareness about mental health has dedicated the Statue to her initiative, hence it is named as Statue of Purpose. She was accompanied by her superstar husband Ranveer Singh and mother-in-law Anju Bhavnani.
Deepika Padukone unveils her stunning Madame Tussauds wax statue in London, Ranveer Singh accompanies herThe Bollywood diva has time and again advocated mental illness by creating awareness about the significance of mental health and has been striving to get rid of the stigma revolving around various mental diseases. Coming forth and talking about her depression in public, the actress has proven to be an inspiration to young and old alike who are restrained from speaking up due to societal pressure. Not just the actress voice her opinions and beliefs at various public forums but also runs a foundation 'Live Laugh Love' to signify mental health at every step.
As Madame Tussauds is set to unveil her wax statue, Deepika Padukone dedicated her statue to her foundation and believes as she stands for her foundation, her statue too will communicate the same. The actress does not consider statue as a vanity as assures it stands for a purpose just like her.
Expressing her thoughts, Deepika Padukone said, "As a little girl, I was a very curious kid, for me, the purpose is something that is very important. However, big or small, whatever I am doing in my life, purpose and why we do what we do is very important to me. After I got a call from Madame Tussauds, I thought what is the purpose of this, why are we doing this, or what is it that my fans will remember me for, remember my figure for, what is it that I would like to leave behind, and the cause of mental health is very close to my heart, it is something that I am extremely passionate about. I said that's it, I would like for my fans when they see my figure I hope it reminds them of someone who did something for the cause of mental illness, who worked towards creating awareness and destigmatizing mental illness. I hope that it gives people a sense of upliftment and a sense of hope. I hope that message comes through."
The Queen of box office and the numero uno actress in Bollywood is not just loved and admired in India but also has her global imprints. Owing to the unfathomable fan base of the actress around the world, the Statue of Purpose features Deepika in the elegant and graceful Cannes look. The dignified actress swept the onlookers off their feet as she dazzled in her peekaboo outfit bringing a touch of old-world glamour to her ensemble, it was the extended floor-length cape and the plunging neckline that made it an outstanding look.
After the tremendous success of her last outing Padmaavat, Deepika Padukone became the first actress to deliver a Rs 300 crore film with a female solo lead. The most beautiful woman, Deepika Padukone is currently gearing up for her first production venture Chhapaak which will have her essaying the role of an acid attack victim Laxmi Agarwal. The actress believes the story needs to be told and has bankrolled her maiden production to put forth a strong, brave, courageous and independent female character.
ALSO READ: Ranveer Singh sets husband goals; says Deepika Padukone is RIGHT in putting restrictions on him!
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