The Akshay Kumar starrer Sooryavanshi released over a month ago and has been unstoppable at the box office. Despite releasing on the OTT platform Netflix, the Rohit Shetty directed film that also features Katrina Kaif, Ranveer Singh and Ajay Devgn has continued its theatrical run in selected locations. Now, on its sixth weekend running the film has seen another Rs. 0.72 cr being added to its overall collections.
In this box office report we take a look at the sixth weekend collections of Sooryavanshi while comparing the same to previous releases. Collecting Rs. 0.72 cr on weekend six, the film has managed to surpass the business of the Ranveer Singh starrer Simmba that had collected Rs. 0.22 cr to become the 12th all-time highest sixth weekend grosser. Besides Simmba, the business of Sooryavanshi on its sixth weekend has also out performed other previous releases like Raazi that had collected Rs. 0.70 cr, Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran that collected Rs. 0.45 cr, Golmaal Again that had collected Rs. 0.35 cr.
Currently, the total collections of Sooryavanshi are pegged at a staggering Rs. 195.02 cr.
Top All-Time Highest Sixth Weekend Grossers at a glance:
Badhaai Ho - Rs. 3.95 cr
Baahubali 2 - The Conclusion - Rs. 3.10 cr
Tanhaji - The Unsung Warrior - Rs. 3 cr
3 Idiots - Rs. 2.50 cr
Tiger Zinda Hai - Rs. 1.79 cr
Kabir Singh - Rs. 1.60 cr
Dangal - Rs. 1.19 cr
AndhaDhun - Rs. 1.15 cr
Stree - Rs. 1.11 cr
Tanu Weds Manu Returns - Rs. 1.10 cr
Badla - Rs. 1.01 cr
Sooryavanshi - Rs. 0.72 cr
Raazi - Rs. 0.70 cr
Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran - Rs. 0.45 cr
Golmaal Again - Rs. 0.35 cr
Simmba - Rs. 0.22 cr