After taking an opening of Rs. 5.15 crore on Friday, Sonakshi Sinha's Akira maintained its hold on Saturday. The film brought in Rs. 5.30 crore more and with this the collections now stand at Rs. 10.45 crore. The film is finding audience at the multiplexes and though quintessential action dramas are grabbed more by male audiences, in case of Akira there are womenfolk stepping in as well due to a heroine as the central protagonist.
A massive jump would have helped Akira challenge the Neerja weekend of Rs. 22.01 crore. Though that won't happen, any further jump that takes the film closest to the Rs. 17 crore mark would be fair for Fox and AR Murugadoss.
That said, the film's weekend collections would go a lot ahead of this year's Sarbjit [Rs. 13.96 crore] and Fitoor [Rs. 14.11 crore] while Happy Bhag Jayegi [Rs. 10.71 crore] has almost been matched.
Personally though, Sonakshi Sinha must be happy since she has managed a fine opening with a film that is riding entirely on her shoulders. Her last release Tevar had an opening day of Rs. 7 crore and an opening weekend of Rs. 23 crore, and there she had Arjun Kapoor manning the show. Moreover, it was a much more expensive affair. In case of Akira which is a Rs. 30 crore affair (with half its investment being recovered through satellite and music sales), entering into the plus zone should be far more comfortable once there is a more than decent jump today and then a considerable hold during the weekdays.