Over the past few weeks Varun Dhawan has been jetting across the country promoting his next venture Judwaa 2 which hit screens on Friday. Reports suggest that Judwaa 2 which enjoys a massive release across 625 screens in overseas opened on a good note.
The movie managed to rake in a staggering 1.06 mil. USD [Rs. 6.92 cr] at the international box office on Day 1. It grossed approx. 2.91 mil. USD [19.1 cr.] at the close of its opening weekend in overseas
In this box office report we take a look at the overseas collections of Judwaa 2 on Day 22 (Friday).
Australia box office
112 USD [Rs. 7,286] from 2 screens
U.K box office
2,458 USD [Rs. 1.59 lacs] from 12 screens
Canada box office
1,292 USD [Rs. 84,089] from 3 screens