Actress Kangana Ranaut has slammed Karan Johar's latest film Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, calling it a "saas-bahu rona" and accused the filmmaker of “regressing Indian cinema.”
Kangana Ranaut attacks Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani and Karan Johar, calls it “daily soap”; advises Ranveer Singh to dress up like a “normal human”In an Instagram story, Ranaut wrote, "Indian audiences watching 3 hours long film on the origin of nuclear weapon and intricacies of atomic science aur yahan nepo gang ka wahi saas bahu ka rona, lekin why he needs 250 cr to make a daily soap .... ??? Shame on you Karan Johar for making the same film nth time ... calling yourself the flag bearer of Indian cinema and perpetually regressing it .... Don't waste funds it's not easy time for the Industry, retire now and let young film makers make new and revolutionary films ..."
Ranaut also dedicated a separate write-up to Ranveer Singh, advising him to "stop getting influenced by Karan Johar and his dressing sense." She wrote, "My sincere advice to @ranveersingh he should stop getting influenced by Karan Johar and his dressing sense ... he should dress up like a normal human being, like Dharm ji or Vinod Khanna ji dressed in their days, Indian people can't identify with a cartoon looking person calling himself a hero, please see all south heros how they dress up and carry themselves with great dignity and integrity.... They look manly and dignified... people don't ruin the culture in our country."
Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani is a romantic comedy-drama film directed by Karan Johar and starring Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt, Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan and Shabana Azmi. The film was released in theatres on July 28.
It remains to be seen if Johar and Singh will respond to Ranaut's comments. However, it is clear that Ranaut is not a fan of the film or its makers.
More Pages: Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani Box Office Collection , Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani Movie Review
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