The internet has been on fire ever since it came to light that the next instalment of Hera Pheri is going on floors very soon. On February 21, the lead cast of the film – Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal – along with producer Firoz Nadiadwala were spotted shooting for the film’s promo. In no time, the picture went viral as the third part of this iconic franchise is highly awaited. A few days ago, another image took the netizens by storm. It showed Akshay Kumar, Farhad Samji and Ahmed Khan holding a clapper. Interestingly, two versions of this photo are available online and it has created a lot of madness, or should we say, hera pheri!
Is it Hera Pheri 3 or Hera Pheri 4? Two versions of Akshay Kumar’s picture create EXCITEMENT as well as hera pheriAs per one picture, the name of the film on the clapper is Hera Pheri 4. But another picture has surfaced that mentions the name of the film as Hera Pheri 3! It has led to confusion about the real title of the film.
A source told Bollywood Hungama, “There’s speculation that the next part will be called Hera Pheri 4. However, it doesn’t make sense as it’s the third instalment. Then, how can it be called Hera Pheri 4? However, Akshay Kumar can be seen holding a placard that says Hera Pheri 4. But another image on the internet shows the clapper with the title Hera Pheri 3. Is one of the pictures photoshopped? Or are the makers shooting both Hera Pheri 3 and Hera Pheri 4 simultaneously, like Baahubali and KGF?”
The source further said, “A section of media has speculated that the film will be called Hera Pheri 4. Paresh Rawal and Suniel Shetty, in their interviews, have always addressed the film as Hera Pheri 3. As the famous memes from Phir Hera Pheri (2006) goes, ‘Mujhe chakkar aa raha hai’! There’s too much excitement and madness going around. I guess, let’s just wait for the official confirmation.”
Speaking about the franchise, Hera Pheri (2000), directed by Priyadarshan, was a tale of a landlord and his tenants who go from rags to riches. In the sequel, Phir Hera Pheri, directed by Neeraj Vora, the trio goes from riches to rags. Both films are iconic in the world of memes and as a result, there has been a huge demand for the third part.
More Pages: Hera Pheri 3 Box Office Collection
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