The Sujoy Ghosh directed film Kahaani 2: Durga Rani Singh that released last week on Friday opened to rave reviews not just from the critics but the audience as well. In fact the film featuring Vidya Balan and Arjun Rampal fast became the audiences’ preferred weekend entertainer.
In this office report we take a look at the collections of Kahaani 2 in the overseas markets breaking the same into territory wise listings.
The Sujoy Ghosh directed film Kahaani 2: Durga Rani Singh that released last week on Friday opened to rave reviews not just from the critics but the audience as well. In fact the film featuring Vidya Balan and Arjun Rampal fast became the audiences’ preferred weekend entertainer.
In this office report we take a look at the collections of Kahaani 2 in the overseas markets breaking the same into territory wise listings.
U.S.A box office
12,554 [Rs. 8.52 lacs] USD from 66 screens
U.K and Ireland box office
7,123 USD [Rs. 4.83 lacs] from 34 screens
Australia box office
4,130 USD [Rs. 2.80 lacs] from 17 screens
Canada box office
3,029 USD [Rs. 2.05 lacs] from 12 screens
New Zealand box office
1,051 USD [Rs. 71,315] from 4 screens