Keerthy Suresh, who enjoys a massive fan following herself, recently expressed her desire to work with a Telugu superstar. While the actress has shared screen space with some of the biggest names from the industry like Chiranjeevi and Mahesh Babu, Keerthy revealed about her wish to share screen space with RRR actor Jr NTR. In fact, the actress went on to assert that she will make a great pair with the actor.
Keerthy Suresh drops a hint about her desire to work with Jr. NTR; says, “I thought we would make a great pair to work on a film together”Meanwhile, Jr NTR has always garnered love form fans and colleagues alike. In fact, the actor has also received admiration from international personas. Joining them is actress Keerthy Suresh who also recalled her first meeting with the actor. In a recent media interaction, actress Keerthy Suresh spoke about Jr NTR wherein, when asked about him, she said, " I saw NTR Jr Garu for the first time at the Mahanati audio launch. I thought we would make a great pair to work on a film together. He is sweet, fun, and energetic. " She also shared another memory with Jr NTR where she remembered how he hosted the success party for her film Mahanati. While we wonder if this desire will turn into reality, let us tell you seeing them together on screen will definitely be a film worth the wait.
Speaking about Keerthy Suresh, the actress is currently gearing up for the Tamil political comedy Raghu Thatha in the pipeline for release on August 15. Apart from that, the actress will also be making her big Bollywood debut with the film Baby John, alongside Varun Dhawan, which is a remake of the Thalapathy Vijay film Theri. It is slated for release in December.
Coming to Jr NTR, the actor will return to theatres in his quintessential massy avatar after the grand success of RRR in Devara: Part 1. The film marks the Telugu debut of Janhvi Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan with it hitting cinemas worldwide on September 27 in multiple languages.
Also Read: Keerthy Suresh stuns in Rs. 42,000 blush pink two-way saree for Raghu Thatha promotions
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