Shraddha Kapoor has once again captivated the fashion world with her flawless style, this time stepping out in a mesmerizing red hand-painted dress by celebrated designer Anita Dongre. As Kapoor continues her promotional tour for Stree 2, she has been turning heads with one remarkable outfit after another, and this latest look is no exception.
Shraddha Kapoor shines in a Rs 1.99 lakh red masterpiece by Anita DongreThe intricate details of the dress
Valued at an impressive Rs 1.99 lakh, this dress is a masterpiece of design, showcasing intricate hand-painted pichhwai artwork—a traditional Indian art form renowned for its detailed and vibrant motifs. The deep red colour of the dress is beautifully enhanced by gottapatti embroidery, which adds a touch of sparkle and sophistication, ensuring the outfit catches the light in all the right ways.
What truly makes this dress stand out are the elegant bird and tree motifs, inspired by tropical themes that infuse the outfit with an exotic charm. The dress’s sleeveless design, combined with a chic plunging neckline and a calf-length hemline, makes it an ideal choice for any upscale event or elegant gathering.
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A versatile statement piece
This dress isn’t just a showstopper for the red carpet; it’s also the perfect option for cocktail parties where you want to make a memorable impression. Its vibrant hue and sophisticated design make it a great pick for special celebrations, such as birthdays or anniversaries, where you’ll undoubtedly be the centre of attention.
Accessories that complement the look
As always, Kapoor’s choice of accessories was impeccable. She paired the dress with sleek silver earrings from Palmonas, whose minimalist design harmonized perfectly with the dress’s intricate embroidery. Additionally, her silver nose ring added a unique, contemporary touch, beautifully enhancing the overall ensemble. To complete her look, she chose golden heels from Zara, which added a touch of glamour and elevated the entire outfit.
A fashion icon in the making
Shraddha Kapoor’s recent fashion choices highlight her knack for blending current trends with timeless elegance. Her ability to mix shimmering silver accessories with understated, classy makeup reflects her sophisticated style, solidifying her status as a modern fashion icon. With this red dress, Kapoor has demonstrated once again that she knows how to make a powerful fashion statement, rivalling even the iconic little black dress in both elegance and allure.
Also Read: Shraddha Kapoor symbolizing red is a color of Stree
More Pages: Stree 2 Box Office Collection , Stree 2 Movie Review
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