Aamir Khan confirmed today that he did approach Rajnikanth for dubbing the Tamil portions of Dangal. "Rajni sir loved the film. He felt that his voice is too recognisable and that it won't go with my face," Aamir revealed at the promo launch of Advait Chandan's Secret Superstar, where self admittedly also stated that he is the tadka in the film. "I have a very important role in Secret Superstar. I haven't done anything like this before. It is for those people who say I do a film every two years," Aamir said.
“Rajnikanth Sir LOVED Dangal, but…”: Aamir KhanTalented Zaira Wasim who shall be seen as the younger version of Geeta Phogat in Dangal is playing the main lead in Secret Superstar where she is discouraged by her dad for pursuing her passion for music and how she posts a video wearing a veil. Aamir Khan is seen telling the audience that it is a super hit. They should like it and if they don't like it then they should change their taste.
Aamir admitted that his current bearded look is his preparation for his next film Thugs of Hindostan which is a period film. He said that since people did not shave in those days, that is why he is growing the beard and they will decide the final look closer to the release. "I am thrilled that I am working with Mr Bachchan in Thugs of Hindostan. I have always wanted to work with him. It was my dream. We shall start shooting in March 2017," Aamir said.
More Pages: Dangal Box Office Collection , Dangal Movie Review
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