Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra is constantly making headlines ever since she tied the knot with AAP leader Raghav Chaddha on September 24. Besides promotional posts, Chopra has flooded her Instagram feed with unseen pictures and videos from her wedding festivities. In addition to the same, her recent Instagram post gave a sneak peek into her “girl’s trip.”
Parineeti Chopra shares “coolest throwback” pics from her girl’s trip to Maldives featuring her Mom and Mom-in-lawFor the unversed, right after the wedding, the Hasee Toh Phasee actress visited the Maldives with her mother Reena Chopra, mother-in-law Alka Chadha, and her sister-in-law, among many others. In the photos, Parineeti can be seen flashing her million-dollar smile while enjoying the vacation.
Instagramming the post, the Shuddh Desi Romance actress wrote, “The coolest throwback is when you go for a girls' trip that includes your Mom and Mom-in-law!” She further added, “Whistles, cheers, and awards for the cooolest girl gang please!”
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Coming to the professional front, the 35-year-old actress was seen in a small role in the recently released Akshay Kumar film Mission Raniganj. She was previously seen in Code Name: Tiranga and Uunchai, both released last year. She is now looking forward to Imtiaz Ali’s Amar Singh Chamkila biopic which stars Diljit Dosanjh in the lead role.
Also Read: Parineeti Chopra exudes elegance in Tritiyaa’s Fine Jewellery; see pics
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