Kartam Bhugtam Movie
In the revenge drama Kartam Bhugtam by Gandhar Films & Studio Pvt. Ltd., Dev Joshi (played by Shreyas Talpade) returns to India from New Zealand and is intrigued by a clairvoyant/astrologer named Anna (portrayed by Vijay Raaz). Introduced to Anna by his friend Gaurav (Gaurav Daagar), Dev becomes engrossed in...
Concerned for Dev's well-being, his girlfriend Jia (Aksha Pardasany) travels from New Zealand to India, unable to reach him by phone. Consulting a doctor, Dev's condition begins to improve under treatment. Together, Dev and Jia decide to return to New Zealand. During their journey, Dev unexpectedly encounters Anna, Seema, Sameer, and Gaurav in Bangkok. This encounter raises questions of whether he is truly cured, or does he experience a relapse of his mental illness in the foreign setting. It also poses a question of whether Anna and his family are linked to Dev's illness.
The story unfolds as Dev navigates these uncertainties, grappling with reality and illusion amidst the backdrop of his encounters in Bangkok. Ultimately, the truth behind Dev's condition and the involvement of Anna and his family in his recovery are unveiled, culminating in a gripping tale of psychological intrigue and redemption.
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