India's beloved stunt-based reality show Colors show Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 is making contestants push the limits of their potential every week. Hosted by Rohit Shetty, the show will see ex-contestant Divyanka Tripathi as a challenger in the upcoming weekend. Known as the Dhaakad Girl, Divyanka will be returning to the show and in the episode, Shiv Thakare will be tasked with proving the power of a common man after the challenger performs the inaugural stunt.
Khatron Ke Khiladi 13: Shiv Thakare puts up a tough fight against challenger- Divyanka TripathiIn the episode, Shiv Thakare will be assigned the uphill task of pulling off a chopper-related stunt. This stunt involves the performer collecting the maximum number of flags from a net and a ladder suspended from a chopper. This task posed many challenges for Shiv including the erratic weather of South Africa and striking a balance in mid-air. Moreover, the reality show star was undergoing the pressure to prove his mettle as a daredevil. Audiences will be waiting in anticipation to see if Shiv will surpass the benchmark set by Divyanka.
Talking about the stunt, Shiv Thakare asid, “I can confidently say that this weekend’s chopper stunt that I performed on 'Khatron Ke Khiladi 13' is the most intense and thrilling experience I've ever had. Conquering my fear of heights and water while collecting those flags from a chopper hovering in the air was a real test of my courage. Divyanka Tripathi brought her A-game, and I knew I had to give it my all to match her level of challenge. It's going to be a nail-biting episode, and I can't wait for the viewers to witness the ultimate showdown between us. One thing I can assure my fans is that this will be worth the watch as I take on this formidable challenge. Keep rooting for me!"
In the upcoming episode, viewers can expect a rollercoaster of emotions and entertainment. Aishwary's spot-on impersonation of Divyanka, who playfully assigns animal names to contestants based on their traits, will be adding a dash of humor to the show. Host Rohit Shetty's twist involves daring challenges for challenger Divyanka, from cutting Nyrraa's hair to messing with Arjit's hairstyle will also be making for an interesting watch.
One heartwarming and humorous moment will be seen between Divyanka and contestant Aishwarya, where Aishwarya conquers her fear of crocodiles by holding one while singing a romantic song.
Watch the exciting journey of daredevil contestants on Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 as the show airs on Saturday and Sunday at 9 pm only on Colors.
Also Read: Khatron Ke Khiladi 13: Ex-finalist Faisal Shaikh aka Mr. Faisu enters as a challenger
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