The Amitabh Bachchan – Taapse Pannu starrer Badla released on Friday across 900 screens in the domestic market. Directed by Sujoy Ghosh the suspense thriller hit a total of 550 screens in the overseas markets a day earlier.
In this box office report we take a look at the collections of Badla in the overseas markets on Day 8 (Friday).
Australia box office
16,512 USD [Rs. 11.38 lacs] from 20 screens
New Zealand box office
4,741 USD [Rs. 3.26 lacs] from 10 screens
U.K box office
13,602 USD [Rs. 9.38 lacs] from 26 screens
U.S.A box office
96,740 USD [Rs. 66.71 lacs] from 93 screens
Canada box office
21,097 USD [Rs. 14.54 lacs] from 16 screens