Shraddha Arya, the lead of the television soap Kundali Bhagya, has been impressing us on the small screen with her performance. Shraddha recently shared a short video of her vacation in the Maldives with her husband Rahul Nagal on her Instagram handle. From being in the pool to enjoying water sports, the clip captures beautiful moments of their time spent together post their wedding.
Shraddha Arya’s Maldives honeymoon video is all things love; watchShraddha married Rahul Nagal, a navy officer based in Delhi, in November 2021. Only friends and family members were present at the wedding ceremony in Delhi.
The video contains all of Shraddha and Rahul's happy times together. In the video, the two appear to be having a great time and it screams love and togetherness.
"Can we flip back to the good times?" The video was captioned by Shraddha.
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The video begins with Shraddha aboard a plane with her spouse, waving her passport, to the iconic song ‘The Good Part’. The couple is then seen in a swimming pool for a few seconds. They are also shown cycling together and participating in water sports. The video is a compilation of their romantic moments in the Maldives.
Shraddha had already shared several romantic photos from her Maldives honeymoon on Instagram.
Shraddha is well known for playing Preeta in the popular television serial Kundali Bhagya, which is now airing on ZEE TV.
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