Ranbir Kapoor is playing a larger than life quintessential Hindi film hero with the action entertainer Shamshera. Ranbir, who is coming to the big screen four years after he delivered the blockbuster Sanju, is pitted against Sanjay Dutt who is playing an evil, merciless, cold-hearted brute force of nature, Shudh Singh. While Sanjay Dutt vs Ranbir Kapoor makes Shamshera, a big screen entertainer to watch out for, what has also got huge applause from audiences is the new cinematic world that has been created by director Karan Malhotra. The world of Shamshera is new, fresh and visually stunning for cine-goers.
Shamshera: Karan Malhotra talks about creating the unique sets for the Ranbir Kapoor film; says, “We had to prep for 1 year, 4 months”In a recent tête-à-tête, Karan revealed details of the hard work that has gone in to the stunning world of Shamshera to help get it alive from script to screen. He says, “Our vision for Shamshera was to create a visual spectacle like no other. We wanted to create a never seen before new cinematic experience for our audiences. For us to do this we had to prep for 1 year, 4 months of mammoth set construction time, 500 + workers along with crew members of setting department, 140 days of shoot and it took 2.5 years for us to work on our VFX to bring Shamshera in its finest glory to our audiences.
About the spectacular world that has been created for Shamshera, Sanjay Dutt said, “Shamshera is a world of its own, the most important thing is it’s a mass-oriented film, with larger than life characters I think people will love it.” Vaani went on to add, “It’s a world that I, as an actor, have never explored. It’s a very new territory. The world kind of excited me because it has drama, entertainment, it has action, it’s larger than life and it’s been beautifully shot.”
The story of Shamshera is set in the fictitious city of Kaza, where a warrior tribe is imprisoned, enslaved and tortured by a ruthless authoritarian general Shudh Singh. This is the story of a man who became a slave, a slave who became a leader and then a legend for his tribe. He relentlessly fights for his tribe's freedom and dignity. His name is Shamshera.
Set in the 1800s in the heartland of India, the film features Ranbir Kapoor in a double role. Sanjay Dutt plays Ranbir’s arch-enemy in this huge casting coup and his showdown with Ranbir will be something to watch out for as they will ferociously go after each other with no mercy. Directed by Karan Malhotra, this film has been produced by Aditya Chopra and is set to release in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu on July 22, 2022.
Also Read: To RK, With Love: Ranbir Kapoor to celebrate 15 years of his career by thanking his fans
More Pages: Shamshera Box Office Collection , Shamshera Movie Review
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