Renowned filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has once again shared his candid views on the unpredictable nature of the film industry. Using the contrasting examples of the blockbuster The Kerala Story and its subsequent, largely ignored sequel, Bastar: The Naxal Story, RGV spoke about the unpredictability of audience reception.
Ram Gopal Varma chuckles at The Kerala Story follow-up Bastar: The Naxal Story’s failure: “Everybody ignored it”Accidents, Not Intentions, Make Blockbusters
In a conversation with Baradwaj Rangan on Galatta Plus, Varma revealed that his most successful films were unplanned, while those meticulously crafted for commercial success often flopped. He echoed a similar sentiment shared by AR Rahman about the unpredictability of creative output.
“Rahman told me that sometimes when he’s making a tune, he thinks that it’ll be the blockbuster of the year. But when the song comes out, people ignore it. They don’t even call it bad, they pretend like it doesn’t even exist. There are umpteen examples to prove this. In my own case, all my hit films are accidents, and my flops are intentional,” RGV shared.
The Kerala Story Paradox
RGV expressed his surprise at the stark contrast between the massive success of The Kerala Story and the complete disregard for its follow-up, Bastar: The Naxal Story. Despite praising the first film, he couldn’t fathom why the subsequent attempt failed to garner any attention.
“I was very, very happy with this film, The Kerala Story. It’s one of the best films I’ve seen in many years. I spoke to the director, I spoke to the producer, I spoke to the actress. Then, I was shocked to know that the next film came, released, and went, and I wasn’t even aware of it,” he said.
The filmmaker didn’t shy away from criticising the industry's approach to filmmaking. He believes that many Indian directors create films designed to please stars rather than resonate with audiences.
More Pages: Bastar - The Naxal Story Box Office Collection
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