Rajshri exclusively broke the teaser of their upcoming film Dono digitally a day ago, on July 26. The teaser opened with the story of two strangers, who meet at one destination to discover the many shades of an urban relationship. Going by teaser, Dono is expected to deal with some strong themes like dealing with rejection and promote the value of self-love.
Rajshri Productions to present urban conflicts with the Rajveer Deol and Paloma Dhillon starrer DonoRajveer Deol, son of superstar Sunny Deol and grandson of legendary actor Dharmendra, will be making his debut. Dono’s teaser introduces him as Dev, and as he revealed by his character, he is said to be ‘friend’ of the ‘dulhan’ (bride). Lavish destination wedding visuals become the backdrop of the teaser where Rajveer is said to unveil the charm of a cute guy next door.
On the other hand, the teaser introduces Paloma (Thakeria/Dhillon) as Meghna, who is expected to be the ‘friend’ of the ‘dulha’. Daughter of renowned actress Poonam Dhillon and Ashok Thakeria, Paloma will be seen in the character of a contemporary woman questioning urban conflicts of rejection and self-worth. The fresh pairing of Rajveer Deol and Paloma is expected to be the highlight of the film. Both actors received a lot of love from their family and industry insiders who also reposted the teaser of the film on their social media platforms.
Besides them, Dono will also mark the debut of Rajshri’s next generation director Avnish S. Barjatya. From what we hear, Avnish was keen on presenting a story that breathed innocence and pureness of love.
Rajshri, in its 75-year-old legacy, has been a production house of debutants, launching fresh talent in all streams of film with pride. For its 59th Film Production, titled Dono, Rajshri will be joining hands with Jio Studios. Produced by Kamal Kumar Barjatya, Late Rajkumar Barjatya, Ajit Kumar Barjatya and with Sooraj R. Barjatya as the creative producer, the film will be released in cinemas soon but the date is yet to be revealed.
More Pages: Dono Box Office Collection , Dono Movie Review
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